God’s Emergency Numbers …IN CASE OF ANXIETY

The problem of anxiety, worry and fear is an issue that we have all had to struggle with at one time or another in our life. So first of all, don’t think you are weak or unusual simply because you are struggling with worry or fears of one sort or another.

One of the most helpful things in overcoming worry and fear is recognizing how important positive interaction with other people is in banishing the feelings of anxiety. Proverbs 12:25 points this out by saying: “Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, But a good word makes it glad”. To simply see another human being who cares about us and wants to be of help and encouragement to us can do wonders in helping us deal with whatever may be weighing us down.

However, people who suffer from worry & fear often short circuit this type of positive interaction with others because they simply do not want to be around other people! They often isolate themselves from contact with others for various reasons. Perhaps they feel embarrassed because they think their feelings of anxiety will make others think they are weak. Or maybe they get so depressed because of their anxiety that they think the situation is hopeless and just want to be left alone. Whatever the reason, understand that the problem is isolation. When we most need help from others, we often end up isolating ourselves from the help that others could bring us.

God created us as social creatures. He knows that we need one another and He encourages us to seek out contact with others: Ointment and perfume delight the heart, And the sweetness of a man’s friend gives delight by hearty counsel (Proverbs 27:9). This kind of positive contact with others is part of the reason why God created the church. When employing the principles found in the Bible, the church becomes a community where we all will find the support and “hearty counsel” we need to overcome the fears and worries we all will encounter in this present life.