Biblical Tips for Good Parenting (Part 1 of 5)

Tip #1 – Try your best to stay cool, calm & collected!

As parents it is easy to allow the seemingly endless task of managing our kids to fatigue us and totally stress us out. This weariness can often lead to one of two negative outcomes; we just give in to their misbehavior because it is easier on us to do so, or in our frustration we come down hard on them, maybe too hard! Much of the problem has to do with our struggle with our own emotions as parents; feelings can flash in an instant between sorrow …to anger …to frustration …and perhaps even hopelessness. It is hard as parents for us to keep things on an even keel.

“To answer before listening– that is folly and shame.” Proverbs 18:13 (NIV)

Parents should not feel pressured to react immediately in all situations. Often our initial reaction is to over-react, especially when it has been an already challenging day. The old adage of counting to ten is especially helpful. This gives us precious time to really think about the situation. Just as important, it also gives us time to make sure our own emotions are under control. Give your child an opportunity to explain their behavior. And listen to their explanation. Maybe their explanation will satisfy you and the whole matter can be easily resolved with little to no stress to either you or your child. However, in the event that their explanation does not justify their behavior, then some form of discipline will be needed. By keeping your emotions under control you can avoid the problem of over-reacting and blurting out some threat or punishment that you will later regret.

“Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty,
    and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.” Proverbs 16:32 (ESV)